year 12 vce physics tutoring melbourne theory book
year 12 vce physics tutoring melbourne online tutoring student at home

VCE Physics exam-ready resources

Our VCE Physics resources are designed by subject matter experts and cover all aspects of the new VCE Physics curriculum. Get ahead with 250+ pages of content, 100+ pages exam-style Workbook, quizzes, and a topic test for each Area of Study.


VCE Physics experts

Matrix VCE Physics teachers are experts in their field with real teaching experience. Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding with our experienced teachers by applying our proven methods for Physics.

year 12 biology tutoring teacher in action
  • Step 1


  • Step 2


  • Step 3

    Guided Examples

  • Step 4

    In-Class Practice

  • Step 5


  • Step 6

    Videos for Revision

  • Step 7

    Quizzes & Feedback

Track your progress

Discover and address gaps in your learning timely through weekly homework completion and quizzes.

year 12 physics tutoring progress tracking

Year 12 VCE Physics Tutoring Course Details

Select an option below to see how our flexible methods cater to your educational needs.


Course structure

What's included: Term Course

  • Experienced Biology Teachers

    Matrix teachers have the vast classroom teaching experience to clearly explain complex concepts.

  • High quality Physics Resources

    Get 150+ page new-edition Theory Book written by expert teachers designed to help students develop in-depth knowledge and understanding in Year 12 Physics.

  • Small Class Size

    We maintain small class sizes, with a maximum of 15 students arranged in a U-shape formation, ensuring an interactive and engaging classroom learning environment.

  • State of the art learning environment

    All Matrix Campuses are designed for student comfort and engagement. Make learning enjoyable with our comfortable and professional learning environment.

  • On demand Theory Lesson Videos for revision

    Online video lessons are conducted by experienced teachers who take you through the Matrix Theory Book step-by-step.

  • Track progress with Weekly Homework and Quizzes

    Track your child’s progress and achievement through Weekly Homework completion and Quizzes.

  • End of Term Topic Test

    Get exam-ready with Topic Tests that consists of a variety of real exam-style questions.

  • Matrix Learning Management System (LMS)

    Access Theory Lesson Videos, Online Practice Questions, and track your progress easily via Matrix LMS App.

  • Expert Academic Advice

    Want advice on your child’s learning? Get exclusive access to academic advice, and invitations to events and seminars from the Matrix academic team.

  • First Lesson Money Back Guarantee

    All on campus courses come with our First Lesson Money Back Guarantee.

How our Year 12 online tutoring works

1. Follow clear, guided video lessons

Learn at your own pace with the support you need. Work through your Matrix Theory Book with 8 clear video lessons taught by experienced Matrix teachers.

2. Consolidate learning with homework

Complete exam-style questions in your Work Book to consolidate your understanding of key concepts.

matrix tutoring discussion board q and a

3. Ask questions on the Q&A boards

Address gaps in learning by asking questions on the student Q&A board to receive individual teacher support within 1 working day.

year 12 physics tutoring practice questions

4. Test and analyse learning

Build confidence for school assessments with online quizzes and Topic Tests.

Course structure

What's included: Online Course

  • High quality Theory Book delivered to your home

    200+ page new-edition Theory Book written by expert teachers designed to help students develop in-depth knowledge and understanding in Year 12 Chemistry.

  • Clear, structured Theory Lesson Videos

    Learn from the best, with each Theory Lesson accompanied by Online Video Lessons led by experienced teachers.

  • Intelligent, structured Learning

    Enjoy the flexibility of online learning with all the benefits of being on-campus. Lesson content progression is automatically unlocked for the best learning experience, ensuring students stay on track for success.

  • Online Quizzes

    After each theory lesson, take an online quiz to assess your understanding. Thanks to automated marking, you’ll get immediate feedback on how you’re doing, helping you track your progress efficiently.

  • Topic Test

    Get exam-ready with Topic Tests that consists of a variety of real exam-style questions.

  • Q&A Boards

    Stuck on a question? Address your individual learning needs by posting your questions on the Matrix Q&A Boards and receive responses within 1 working day.

  • Access until end of the calendar year

    Enjoy access to all course resources until the day of the VCE Chemistry exam.

  • Expert Academic Advice

    Want advice on your child’s learning? Get exclusive access to academic advice, and invitations to events and seminars from the Matrix academic team.

Access Period


Access starts30 September 2024
Access EndsDay of Exam

Year 12 VCE Physics Course Pricing

Flexible payment options: Pay quarterly or monthly over 3 months.

  • on-campus
    During the term

    Term course

    9 weekly lessons over 9 weeks
    50% Opening Offer


    per module

    Original price: $1350/module

    • Taught by experienced Matrix teachers
    • Small class sizes
    • New edition Theory Book and Work Book
    • Theory Lesson Videos for revision
    • Access to Matrix LMS resources
    • Weekly homework and quizzes
    • One-to-one Workshops
    • Progress tracking for students and parents
    • Topic Test under exam conditions
    • Year-round access to content
  • online
    At your own pace

    Matrix+ online

    9 lessons, anywhere, anytime
    50% off Early Bird offer until Dec 2024


    per module

    Original price: $795/module

    • Taught by experienced Matrix teachers
    • Video lessons paired with Theory Book
    • New edition Theory Book and Work Book delivered to your home
    • Access to Matrix LMS resources
    • Online quizzes with instant feedback
    • Q&A Boards for individual help
    • Progress tracking for students and parents
    • Topic Test with marking and feedback
    • Access until VCE commencement date

What our
Year 12 Physics students say

  • Matrix Physics classes have allowed me to pick up concepts faster and retain information better. I was also supported by knowledgeable teachers and had reliable resources to look back on. Matrix ensures that students not only understand the HSC content, but comprehend the reasoning and important foundations behind it as well.

    Coco Xu
    Coco Xu

    North Sydney Girls High School

  • Complex concepts were taught and visualised very well through diagrams and annotations. The work books also had exam accurate questions that helped with exposure and knowing how to respond to harder variations.

    Justin Kim
    Justin Kim

    Knox Grammar School

  • Matrix emphasises the use of flowcharts for structured Physics learning. As a visual learner, flowcharts allow me to process information and categorise the steps for experiments in a sequential manner!

    Afrina Tanisha
    Afrina Tanisha

    St George Girls' High School

  • Matrix has covered course content in a way which is uncomplicated and less daunting than other places. Instead of needless extension topics, Matrix focuses on helping us to understand the core Physics principles to answer challenging exam questions.

    Alan Wong
    Alan Wong

    Sydney Boys High School

  • I chose to attend the Matrix Physics Holiday Course to help me maintain my study momentum. It meant I felt much more confident when going back to school. Also, learning content first at Matrix is extremely effective as you can spend more time during the term revising and perfecting skills for exams.

    Angela Park
    Angela Park

    Sydney Girls High School

  • The Matrix Year 12 Physics Holiday Course allows me to familiarise myself with the course content a term ahead so that when I return to school I am confident with what I am learning. The Matrix theory book provides a great balance of theory, examples and practical applications. It acts as both a textbook that I can learn off, and notes that I can consolidate and revise throughout the term.

    Annie Xue
    Annie Xue

    Sydney Girls High School

Frequently asked questions


Matrix Year 12 VCE Physics teachers are experienced educators who have degrees in related disciplines. They are knowledgeable, know how to explain things clearly and make learning fun.

Matrix VCE Physics teachers deliver a structured and engaging learning experience through a mix of instructional and interactive teaching.


Yes, the Matrix Year 12 VCE Physics tutoring program covers every aspect of the VCE Physics Curriculum thoroughly. It extends students’ abilities and helps them develop strong foundations in all aspects of VCE Physics .

Matrix Term 1 starts in October each year. This allows Year 12 students to work on the VCE Curriculum for four full times as opposed to three terms at school. The extra term of HSC studies means Matrix students gain a competitive advantage over their school peers.

100% of our students have reported an improvement in their confidence and marks since enrolling into the Matrix Year 12 Physics course.

Online: Matrix+ Courses

Matrix+ is an online course consisting of video lessons paired with Matrix Theory Books. It’s accessible, more affordable and flexible compared to Matrix On-Campus courses. It’s an effective learning option if you prefer to learn at your own pace.

No, you can learn at any time. Matrix+ lessons are pre-recorded to ensure the highest quality delivery for all types of learners! Our detailed video lessons allow you to view and follow the lesson at your own pace – pause, replay, or speed up videos for an on-demand learning experience.

Year 12 Biology tutoring students will still be able to access Theory Lesson Videos, Q&A Discussion Boards, and online resources until the end of the calendar year.

Matrix Theory Books will be mailed to your delivery address via Australia Post.

More Year 12 courses
