Learn on-campus during term, holidays, or online anytime

Flexible learning methods


Matrix+ online

Matrix teachers, on demand. Theory Lesson Videos, Q&A Boards, Matrix resources and personalised help at home.


Holiday courses

Get ahead by completing a term’s content in the school holidays or gain key skills with short courses.

Term courses

Learn from inspirational teachers, after school or on the weekend at a Matrix campus. Learn with like-minded friends.

Not sure which learning method is best for you?


Matrix+ online

Term course

Holiday course

Who is it for?

Students who want to learn anywhere anytime in their own pace. Learn with theory lesson videos you can watch on-demand.
Students who want to join a classroom environment each week. Complete our structured courses weekly with an inspirational and experienced teacher.
Students who want to save time and get ahead with advanced completion of a whole term’s content during the school holidays.

Course structure

9 lesson modules accessible anytime any where
9 x weekly lessons in the school term
Year 3-10: 5 x daily lessons across two weeks in the school holiday period
Year 11-12: 9 x daily lessons across two weeks in the school holiday period

Matrix resources

Latest version Matrix books delivered to your home
Latest version Matrix books provided
Latest version Matrix books provided


Track student progress with weekly quiz marks and end-of-term Topic Test results on the Matrix LMS
Track student progress with weekly quiz marks and end-of-term Topic Test results on the Matrix LMS
Track student progress with weekly quiz marks and end-of-term Topic Test results on the Matrix LMS

Additional support

Ask questions on the online Q&A Boards and receive a response within one working day. Students can also rewatch the Theory Lesson Videos.
Have a question outside of your Matrix class? Get personalised help with one-to-one Workshops.
Have a question outside of your Matrix class? Get personalised help with one-to-one Workshops.


Homework for Maths and Science courses are marked online instantly. For English, improve your writing each week with personalised feedback.
Homework for Year 7-10 Maths and Science are to be submitted for marking. For English, improve your writing each week with personalised and detailed feedback for written tasks.
Homework is provided after each lesson to help students apply their knowledge and understanding to questions.


Weekly online quizzes are to be completed by students. End-of-term Topic Test is also provided.
Weekly quizzes are to be completed at the start of each lesson. End-of-term Topic Test is also provided.
Weekly online quizzes are to be completed by students. End-of-term Topic Test is also provided.