Student Success Secrets Guide | Hacks to Help You Ace High School

Looking to see how past students aced their HSC? In this Guide, we highlight the best of the best Hacks and give you a handy index to our many Success Secret and High School Hacks articles from our stellar Matrix Alumni!
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Have you ever wished you could learn the secrets that high performing students use? Many students and parents do. That’s why we ask our top students to write articles documenting the tips and study hacks they’ve used to score a high ATAR, get into a selective school, or top a subject in their school. These are our student Success Secrets and Student Hacks articles.


The Student Success Secret Guide

The Students Success Secret Guide is a repository of all of our best student articles.

In this article, we explain,


What are Student Success Secrets and Hacks?

At Matrix, we believe that high performing students should be celebrated. We are also flattered that they share their hacks with their fellow students, both at Matrix and in the wider community. From this philosophy, our Success Secrets and High School Hacks blog articles were born.

Over the years we’ve had many exceptional students write articles for their peers. So many, that trying to navigate through our collection can be challenging.

To help our readers and visitors, we’ve put together this guide so you can find the best of the best!

We’ve broken down our Student Success Secrets by subject and catalogued them so you can find the advice you need with ease.

For each subject, we’ve included case studies from our most popular and most exceptional articles! We’ve also included a list of all the other great articles for that subject with a summary of why you should read it.


Why should I read these articles?

At Matrix, we pride ourselves on being data and process-driven. We understand that success isn’t innate, it comes with planning and determination and consistency. To that end, we understood that there were obviously key processes and methods that successful students were employing to score ATARS in the high 90s. So, we invited those students to share their methods, tips, and the reasons behind them.

Many of our readers, probably you, too, want to know why so many of our students achieve such amazing results. These articles share the methods and processes used by exceptional students so you can follow them.

If you want to score an ATAR of 99.95, you need to learn how our alumni have done the same! By following their advice and methods, you, too, can achieve the results you are capable of!


How do I know these tips work?

Don’t just take our word for it, look at the results these students achieved in the HSC. They’ve all scored in the high 90s or produced exceptional results in their Year at High School.

We have many students who ask to write hacks, but we only invite those students who we’ve identified as being exceptional students or have achieved great results in their HSC.

Because of this, we know that their tips work. Their proven results are the proof we need to know these tips work.


What kind of actionable academic advice will I find in this Guide?

The kind that will help you ace your subjects! We’ve collected 150+ articles to help our readers succeed over the years. These tips range from study methods, maintaining focus and avoiding distraction through to specific advice for subjects.

We make sure all of our study tips are actionable and where possible follow a process that is replicable by our readers.

We’ve broken our Success Secrets and High School hacks into the following categories so you can find the advice you need:

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