Learn from the best. First.

Year 7-12 Tutoring for English, Maths, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and UCAT. Learn on campus or online.

Try us risk free at Box Hill now or call 1300 634 117.
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Loved by 8000+ students each term, across 650 schools

Read over 1000, 5 star reviews.
5 star reviews

  • Matrix was honestly one of the best tutoring places I have ever been to. It was only through the experienced tutors and their brilliant guidance I was able to achieve Band 6’s in all my subjects and achieve a 99+ ATAR. I thank you Matrix and I cannot be anymore grateful.

    Frank Chan
  • Matrix Education has been my go-to tutoring place since the end of Year 10. It has given me peace of mind during term time as I am supported by a professional, passionate team of teachers and tutors.

    Hannah Wang
  • I really appreciate the dedication of all my tutors in ensuring that each lesson we get as much done as possible. Matrix has provided me with a quality learning experience.

    Isabel Gong
  • Studying at the Matrix Campus is actually fun and easy due to approachable staff and teachers. The textbooks/theory books they provide are top quality in design but also content. Learning at Matrix has been super enjoyable and I would recommend it to other people.

  • Matrix courses are incredibly well structured and makes keeping track of one’s progress very easy. The teachers and staff are all helpful and vastly knowledgeable. Oh, and they’re all lovely people who truly understand the challenges we face as students!

    Jake Murray
  • The teachers and workshop tutors answered every one of my questions, ensuring that I understood every concept explored and that I adopted the right study techniques for me to excel.

    Kevin Zhu
  • I highly recommend the Matrix Science course as I found this course to be very in depth and detailed, covering all aspects of the syllabus schools cover during the term.

    Kiran Nayager
  • My son attended the Matrix Year 11 Chemistry course and by all reports it was a great idea to do this. The quality of the instruction and texts made available to him were very helpful and have given him a real head start for the year. He will no doubt be doing more Matrix courses in the future.

  • Matrix provides the conducive learning environment that inspires students to achieve their personal bests. The option of Accelerated Holiday Courses and the online Matrix+ empower students with flexibility during the term.

    Landrie Zuo
  • Matrix is an amazing tutoring centre to attend. The learning environment helped me improve my marks and understand concepts better. The workbooks are of good quality and explain concepts well.

    Mishree Patel
  • My son showed a huge improvement in his studies and over the past three years. I have seen him getting more confident. I have now enrolled my second child for Year 10.

    Nafeesa Sultana
  • My son enjoys learning at Matrix. We tried several online tutoring programs and none worked. Matrix is different, it provides you the textbook and online classes that you can use to help your child. I would highly recommend Matrix.

    Neethu Joy
  • With Matrix+ I have continued to receive a highly in-depth understanding of all my school subjects, in a succinct form. The content was delivered in a video-format by a highly qualified Matrix teacher, who made otherwise complex information easier to tackle.

    Nia W
  • Matrix is a great learning environment, with the perfect facility to study and expand your knowledge of so many subjects. They’ve aided me greatly in understanding difficult content, which has improved my marks in school drastically.

  • The Matrix+ online program is excellent value – the resources and workbooks are shipped to your house, the video resources are of exceptional quality and you can get help whenever you need from the tutors online. A great tutoring provider all round, the staff are so friendly and adaptable and work so hard to ensure their students get the best education experience they can.

    Penny L
  • My child was never interested to take Science tuition lessons even though she was struggling at school. After one semester in Year 10 Science tuition at Matrix, I noticed she began to take interest and excelled!

    S P
  • Matrix+ online lessons are flexible and can be done at any time. They also offer free workshop lessons if you need extra help which is really useful. Highly recommend!

    Sampada Kandel
  • Matrix provides a great learning environment. The teachers are very knowledgeable and are always willing to clear any doubts and answer questions regarding the homework/lesson.

    Shumaila Nadeem
  • I have attended both termly and holiday courses at Matrix, and found the passionate teachers and in-depth coverage of syllabus content really helpful in solidifying my understandings in both Chemistry and Maths!

  • My son had a very positive experience with his Maths classes. The teacher is knowledgeable and caring which has helped son not only to be more confident with the subject but also to secure good marks at his school.

    Som Bhattacharyya
  • I love Matrix! I did Year 11 Chemistry and now I am doing Year 12! My teacher has always been very helpful in teaching and answering our questions. The weekly quizzes are very useful in applying our knowledge and so is the topic test. I would highly recommend Matrix.


Flexible learning methods

Learn online now with Matrix+ and from January at our exciting new campus at Box Hill.


Matrix+ online

Matrix teachers, on demand. Theory Lesson Videos, Q&A Boards, Matrix resources and personalised help at home.


Holiday courses

Get ahead by completing a term’s content in the school holidays or gain key skills with short courses.

Term courses

Learn from inspirational teachers, after school or on the weekend at the Matrix campus. Learn with like-minded friends.

Meet our amazing team
of real experienced teachers

  • Mr Oak Ukritnukun
    BEng(Hons) PhDc
  • Mr Brenton Boswell
    B.A., LL.B., Grad. Dip. Ed., Grad. Dip. LP.
  • Dr Alex Argyros
    BAdvSc(Hons) PhD
  • Ms Ari Liu
    BSc MTeach
  • Ms Linh Duong
    BEd MTeach
  • Ms Christa Malone
    BA DipEd
  • Mr James Bu
    BSc MTeach
  • Dr Hope McManus
    BLS(Hons) PhD
  • Ms Vivian Law
    BSc(Hons) MSc
  • Mr Lachlan Reardon
    BA(Hons) PhDc
  • Mr Brook Stefanou
    BSc MSc

Our 2024 results speak for themselves

ATAR achieved by 6 of our students
ATAR or above by 46 of our students
ATAR or above by 84% of our students

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    Check out our vast library of free academic resources, ATAR calculator, templates, and more.

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    Consult with the academic experts at Matrix Events and Seminars and get the right academic advice.

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  • Customer Support

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Frequently asked questions


Matrix Education is the leading tutoring college for Year 3 – 12 students. We offer structured tutoring programs for English, Maths, Science, OC/Selective Test Prep, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and UCAT.

Matrix teachers are experienced educators who have degrees in related disciplines. They are knowledgeable, know how to explain things clearly, and make learning fun!

Matrix provides structured courses that cover every aspect of the syllabus. Students will learn from an experienced teacher who will guide them through Matrix Theory Books. For on-campus term courses, students attend classes with like-minded students and if they need additional help, they can book a one-to-one workshop.

Matrix tutoring programs are available during the term or online for:

  • Year 7 – 8: English and Maths
  • Year 9 – 10: English, Maths and Science
  • Year 11: English Unit 1/2, Maths Methods Units 1/2, Biology Units 1/2, Chemistry Units 1/2, Physics Units 1/2, and UCAT.
  • Year 12: English Unit 3/4, Maths Methods Unit 3/4, Biology Unit 3/4, Chemistry Unit 3/4, Physics Unit 3/4, and UCAT.


To enrol into our on-campus or online courses, complete the online enrolment form.

For on-campus tutoring courses, students must commit for at least one term which is 9 weeks.

Yes, you can enrol in a Matrix Term course even after it has begun, up to the third week. The fees will be adjusted proportionally based on the remaining duration of the course.

New on-campus students can enrol with confidence. If a student is not happy after their first lesson, they are able to disenrol and receive a full refund. All they have to do is let us know and return our resources before their second lesson.

Yes, you can try our tutoring programs online or on campus. Complete this form to get started.


To view fees for your course, please visit the pricing page.

Matrix Education tuition fees are charged by Direct Debit via Visa or Mastercard. Payments can be made monthly (3 instalments) or quarterly (1 instalment) via your nominated credit card or debit card (Visa or MasterCard).

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